Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme partner of Horizonia
Since 2018, in France's 2nd largest tourist region, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme, the regional agency in charge of promoting tourism in the region, has been directing its actions towards a benevolent tourism that takes into account the new societal and environmental issues and at the service of local economies. Thus, the strategic choices are made by giving priority to actions that respect our environment, to those that will have a positive impact on the activities of our territories, on the good distribution of the space-time frequentations on the whole region.

Fabrice Pannekoucke - President of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme "We have chosen the term 'benevolent tourism' to emphasize our commitment not to oppose sustainable tourism and the economy: economic activity remains essential when it serves employment and local life. Our vision is that we must implement more and more actions in favor of sustainable tourism activities, local tourism, but without denying all the existing tourism activities, from winter sports to urban tourism, including our sites and tourist areas that cannot be ignored.
As of 2018, concrete actions have been launched with the proclamation of the Manifesto, in the areas of employment, training, local tourism with Partir Ici and with the launch of a unique endowment fund dedicated to general interest actions in the service of tourism, Essentiem.
The partnership with Horizonia is part of this strategy, to provide the region's tourism actors with a maximum of information and advice and to ensure their transition to a more sustainable tourism in the best conditions.
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